Enjoying vacationIn the market for a vacation home? We’re jealous! Set your excitement aside for a minute to focus on the not-so-fun aspects of house shopping. The windows on a potential vacation home might seem like a minor factor, but there are things to look out for if you want to avoid costly repairs or replacements. Have this list in mind on your next house tour, and you’ll avoid plenty of stress following the big purchase.
Windows should obviously look good and operate properly, but they should also save you money and provide security. Look out for any of these serious window flaws when house shopping, there’s no reason to sacrifice the many benefits of quality windows.

Look Out for Cracks in the Glass and Frames

Check out the frames of the windows, see any cracks or broken glass? These are signs the windows need serious attention. Older windows are much more prone to damage, so the age of the house is a good sign that repairs will be on the horizon. Make it a priority to check out the frames and panes to know what kind of reparation costs to put on your radar.

Check the Panes of the Windows

The number of glass panes in windows is the deciding factor for energy efficiency. New windows can actually save you money, while older, single-pane windows can drain your wallet. When windows are made of one pane of glass, the house will be much less energy efficient and costly. The windows to look for in a vacation home will have at least two panes of glass. Your windows should work for you, not the other way around.

Excessive Noise

Vacation time is much more enjoyable when you can’t hear your noisy neighbors or the screeching and honking of cars driving by. If you’re hearing exterior noises, this is likely because the panes are damaged or the windows are single-paned. Don’t sacrifice your relaxation, make sure your windows will keep the raucous outside.

Locks Present?

If the windows don’t have locks, your new vacation home is just begging for a break-in. Even if the windows do have locks, older window security is useless compared to new technologies. Adding locks to windows is often possible, but window replacement is typically the best answer to outdated windows.
Updated windows are something to look for during your exciting search for a vacation home. High quality windows will save you money by being energy efficient, keep the noises outside where they belong, protect from harmful UV rays and provide security from intruders. Thoroughly analyze the windows to make sure they meet your standards for protection and efficiency. Happy house hunting!