bigstock-green-garden-of-a-white-modern-97160699.jpgWhen the warmer weather rolls in, you want to be sure your windows are ready to take the heat. Whether your windows just need a repair here and there or you’re gearing up for a full replacement, it’s extremely important you take care of it before the hot, humid air hits North Florida.

If your windows are a few years old, you’re likely missing out on technological advancements that could benefit you big time. Windows can do everything from lowering your utility bill to blocking UV rays, you just need to know the features available before you do your shopping. Although, sometimes a full replacement to get the added benefits isn’t necessary. The American Window Products team will help you make a decision.

Check Weather Stripping and Caulking

The weather stripping of your windows is a material that insulated the space that exists between the sash of the window and the pane.  The weather stripping is one of the main components that wears down over time, which often leads to the hot, humid air seeping into your home. Not only will this make your energy bill shoot up, it’ll also make for an uncomfortable home!

The caulking around the windows works in a similar manner to the weather stripping, but it’s focused on different areas of the windows. If the caulking begins to weather, there’s a good chance you’ll need a full window replacement.

Make Sure No Leaks Exist

The next time it rains (which is pretty much every day in Florida, who are we kidding!), check out your windows for any signs of leakage. If you’ve discovered some moisture seeping through the window, it’s likely due to the window frames rotting, the seal deteriorating, the glass thinning or a variety of other reasons. If you’re experiencing a leak, you should start to think strongly about a full replacement, specifically with Low E glass windows.

The Panes of Glass

What condition are your windows in? Do they have a single pane or multiple panes of glass? If your windows are single paned, this means they’re likely outdated. There’s not much you can do to improve single paned windows, but double paned are easy to work with. Besides, two panes of glass are the minimum of what you should have in your home.

If your home is still equipped with windows that have single panes of glass, it’s very important you routinely assess them for damage and weathering. The pane of glass needs to be solid, correctly sealed and of an adequate thickness.

Preparing your windows for the summer heat is all about blocking moisture, creating substantial blockage from harmful UV rays and keeping your energy bill low. The team at American Window Products can assess the current state of your windows and give you helpful tips for maintaining them throughout the summer. If we believe your windows aren’t providing enough insulation or killing your energy efficiency, it’s likely we’ll suggest a full replacement.