
Floridians live in the Sunshine State for a million reasons, but they almost always come become of the year-round sun. Unfortunately, it can be pretty exhausting and bad for your healthy to sit in the sun for hours, both in the summer and winter. Homes that have sunrooms allow for the sun worshippers out to enjoy Mother Nature 365 days a year. When your home has a sunroom, you want to be sure you’re making the most of it so that it can be as functional as possible no matter what time of year it is.

Sunrooms are great because they’re a window to the world, without having to be directly sitting in nature. Sunrooms allow you to enjoy the sun while avoiding bugs, rain, heavy winds, and so on. At American Window Products, we understand the important role windows play in sunrooms. Our team of professionals can help you understand the different options to allow your sunroom to be that much more functional.

UV Ray Protection

Choosing windows for a sunroom should start by thinking about protection from UV rays. The sun is very powerful, which is why it’s so important to protect not only yourself but your home’s assets. Think about your furniture, flooring and every other asset that’s in your sunroom. It’s an absolute must that you equip your sunroom with windows that can protect you and your assets from sun damage.

Taking action to choose windows for your sunroom should start by focusing on those that give you the protection you need. It’s these types of rooms where it may make sense to go with Low-E glass, which will give your windows an extra layer of UV ray protection. In the event Low-E glass is not for you or is outside the budget, quality double paned windows will give you a little more protection.

Improved Insulation

Sunrooms need to be adequately insulated so they can be enjoyed no matter what time of the year it may be. The summer and the winter months can both put a strain on the possible enjoyment that a sunroom provides. In the summer months, poor quality windows will allow the heat to come right through. The heat create more of a sauna than a sunroom, making it unbearable to sit in the room for extended periods of time, which defeats the purpose of a sunroom. The winter months can have the opposite effect, where poor insulation can allow the cold air to pass right through and make the room freezing!

You need improved insulation in a living space such as a sunroom. The team at American Window Products understands that and can help you with new windows that’ll provide much-needed insulation. High-quality windows will keep the unwanted air and temperature out, and maintain a pleasant internal temperature to allow you to enjoy the space.

The Energy Efficiency Slant

There is certainly going to be an energy efficiency slant to all of this as well. Newer windows in your sunroom will allow the space to be efficient, instead a draining your bank account. This means you won’t waste energy powering the heating and cooling equipment when it shouldn’t have to be running. Newer windows are going to be double-paned and have robust, sealed frames to allow your sunroom to be as efficient as possible.

A sunroom is truly a beautiful living space to have in any home. Taking the time to design or remodel the room with quality windows can be a worthy investment. The work of adding new windows and going with options focused on functionality can help to add living space to the home year-round.