New WindowsYou truly want to get the most out of your home replacement windows. This is because replacing the windows of your home is no easy task and no small investment. It takes a lot to replace every single window in your home and it is something that you are not going to do all that often. Most people will keep the windows that they have in their homes for two decades or more. This is due to the fact that typically windows are made of high-quality and are also going to be able to withstand quite a beating in terms of the weather and any other wear and tear that may take place. When you are having your windows Jacksonville FL replaced for your home, you want to be sure they are going to have the features you are looking for.

So what are the features that every window that you have replaced possess? A lot of it comes down to features that you may not even be aware of at this point. Windows have come a long way to when they used to simply go up and down in how they open.  Gone are the days of wooden windows on rope wheels that get stuck and break-down at fast rates. Now we are in an age where windows Jacksonville FL homeowners buy are made of vinyl, feature special glass, are hung a certain way, and contain some nice additions you have to see to believe.

Double-Pane Glass

The first feature that all new windows Jacksonville FL homeowners have installed should be double-pane glass. Double-pane glass is something that we have in all of our windows at American Window Products and it is because it provides so many terrific benefits to you as a homeowner. What double-pane glass is going to give you is two panes of glass that will separate you from the outside. This is going to help with noise reduction, temperature regulation, among other things.

Double-Hung Design

A double-hung design is also something that you are going to want. Double-hung windows are going to be designed in such a way that they can actually swing them inward towards you rather than just going up and down. What this is going to allow is for extremely easy cleaning of the outside and the inside of the windows. Double-Hung windows are absolutely loved by anyone who is lucky enough to have them in their home.

Vinyl Framing

Vinyl framing has also become quite popular and for good reason.  When you have all new windows Jacksonville FL homeowners trust in the form of vinyl windows, they are not going to show any signs of breaking down or wear and tear. Vinyl framing will not crack like wood frames will and the framing is also going to not require painting or anything like that.

A Design to Add to Your Home’s Appeal

New home windows can add to the design and curb appeal of your home on so many levels as well. When you have new home windows installed in your Jacksonville, FL home the design of those windows is going to be custom so that they mesh with your home and give it a nice fresh touch and look.

UV Protection

This gets back to the glass but you want to be sure all new windows Jacksonville FL homeowners purchase have UV protection. This means having glass that is going to protect your home and it’s assets from the harmful UV rays of the sun. You would be surprised at the damage that the sun can do to things such as rugs, couches, hardwood floors, and so on.

All new windows Jacksonville, FL homeowners buy should have some pivotal features. These features, such as double-pane glass and double-hung designs are going to give you windows that you are going to be proud of. They will add to your curb appeal and set your home apart from others in the neighborhood.