image-10.jpegThe great thing about living in Jacksonville is enjoyable weather year-round, and taking advantage of the climate is a must. A clever way to make this happen is with a sunroom. They’re bright, add square footage and are customizable. Living in paradise is even more amazing when the sun shines right through every corner of a room. Inventor of the sunroom, we thank you. 
When you’re choosing windows for a sunroom, there are a few things you should take into account. Sunrooms can become high maintenance if you don’t have the proper materials, so read over this list to avoid any trouble in the future. Being aware of what you want out of a sunroom and the right ways to make your ideas come to life will make your little, bright room that much more enjoyable. 

Protecting from the Sun’s Rays

Ahhh, sunshine. A double-edged sword. The rays offer relaxation and a nice tan, but they can be pretty harmful on your skin and furniture if you’re not prepared. The furniture in your sunroom is vulnerable to the UVs, unless you have the right windows. Lucky for you, we’re the experts. 
The windows you choose for your bright, serene sunroom need to provide the right amount of UV protection, that’s where we come in. Many of the new windows on the market have a special glass that’s made to protect from the sun’s harmful rays, allowing you to soak up the sun without the risk. Look at that, it’s like SPF sunscreen for your windows. Genius. 

Insulation from the Heat

A wonderful bonus of a sun room? Bright sunshine and the convenience of cool AC! You invested in a bonus room, not a sauna. Make sure the room stays temperature-controlled by installing the right installation in your walls and windows. Newer windows provide 2 or more panes of glass to better insulate the room. This little addition makes sure the heat stays out and the cool air stays in. Older windows that have a single pane of glass do a terrible job of regulating temperature because they let air seep in and out. These single pane windows will seriously affect your home’s energy efficiency. 

Window Decor and Size

Now to the fun part! The best perk of a sunroom is all the ways you can use and customize it. From a yoga studio to an office, your options to enjoy the sunshine never end. You can choose how much light you want to let in, based on the window size. Floor to ceiling? Sounds nice. 360 degree walls of windows? Heck yeah. And don’t stop there, you can make your room even more unique with shutters, curtains, blinds, oh my! 
Adding new windows and replacing old ones lets you give a bit more character to your favorite room in the house. Give some thought to what you want out of your sunroom and American Window Products will handle the rest. We’ll make it comfortable, appealing and unique. Your sunroom should be the most special room in your home, and we’ll be sure to treat it that way.