Bright lightIt’s pretty obvious why Florida was coined “The Sunshine State.” It’s difficult to escape direct sunlight, even when you’re inside your home. This is why choosing the right windows for your Jacksonville home can take your living room from overheating and indoor sunburns to comfort and cool.

The right windows can work wonders for a room that receives direct sunlight. Not only can they shield excess UV rays from entering your home, but they can do the exact opposite. If lots of natural sunshine pouring into your home is your thing, the right windows can make it happen. Whether you’re going for protection from the rays or a way for the warmth of the sun to enter your home, it’s important to install the correct type of windows.

Multiple Panes of Glass

The windows that Jacksonville homeowners will likely choose for a room with excess sunlight will have multiple panes of glass. Typically, older homes have single paned windows that are begging to be updated. Single paned windows don’t protect the interior of your home or your family from the harsh effects of UV rays.

Windows with single panes severely decrease your home’s energy efficiency, which costs you big bucks over time. When the sun is beating down into one of your rooms, multiple panes of glass will regulate the temperature of your home. Multiple panes allow your air conditioner to run properly, which is super important in our state!

Tinted Windows

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t want their home to feel like a sauna (we totally understand), then tinted windows are something you should consider. The tint is subtle but it really works wonders.

Tinted windows won’t turn your home into the Bat Cave, we promise. They simply dim the room so only comfortable light pours in while excess sun stays out. Tinted windows will eliminate glare on your TV, which is a huge deal, obviously.


A skylight will do the exact opposite of tinted windows, which is perfect for people who love lots of sun. Skylights warm up the room, are a great source of natural light and quickly set the ambiance for your home. Think of skylights like the sunroof in your car. The windows are in the roof, letting the sun shine right through the ceiling. Want to bring the feeling of nature inside? Crack open the skylight to encourage a breeze, draw in sunshine and highlight the sounds of the outdoors.

If your home is in Jacksonville, at least one of your rooms likely receives direct sunlight. The windows you choose are the most important aspect of your home because they’ll be the difference between an enjoyable home and an uncomfortable one. If blocking the sun is your priority, then tinted windows are the way to go. But if you love the feeling of natural light, you should opt for a skylight. Either way, American Window Products can make it happen.