Different Plants to Grow in Your Window Sill this Summer

Growing a plant. Hands holding and nurturing tree growing on fertile soil / nurturing baby plant / protect nature / Agriculture


Many of us think of the summer as an opportunity to grow plants outside.  We have our gardens filled with plants and maybe some vegetables.  What about the indoors, though?  What can you do with your window sill in the summer to grow plants?  If you just had your Jacksonville FL window repair job completed, it is time to pay attention again to the sills.  You would be surprised at the many things you can grow right on a window sill, both for edible delight and aesthetic appeal.


Vegetables and Herbs


The two most favorite things to grow on a window sill include vegetables and herbs.  You can grow anything indoors that you can outside.  The trick with the window sill is to start with the right pot.  One that is too big will not get the results you want as the vegetable or herb will not be concentrated in one location.  If the pot is too small, it will be restricted and will also not grow properly.  


Once you get the vegetables and herbs in the proper pot, it is all about moisture and getting them in enough sunlight.  The summer months in Florida can be sweltering and humid, so the indoors can provide relief to many of these veggies and herbs.  


Common Indoor Plants


There are plenty of other common indoor plants grown on a window sill.  Some of the more common examples include things such as Swedish Ivy and Coleus plants.  The Hoya is also another prevalent one for a window sill, as is an Angelwing Begonia.


There are no limitations with plants on a window sill.  You can get creative and try out all sorts of things indoors to get that perfect arrangement.  Seeking out plants that give you colors that complement a room’s paint may also make a lot of sense.


Borrowing From the Outside


You may also want to borrow from a plant outside and transplant to the indoors. See if you can cut the branch or flower off of a plant you like outside.  Take the seeds, or even just the branch, and plant it indoors in the pot.  You can get a small plant going in this way rather than going to a retail store and buying seeds on your own.  




You can get creative with the displays and pots.  One thing we always recommend is to get containers that allow for a little chalk to be used on them.  Some chalkboard paint can be added to pots as well.  This would enable you to label each of them, so you know what you are growing at all times.


A window sill is a great place for plants, vegetables, herbs and anything else you may want to try to grow.  Get creative and use the space for your benefit.   A Jacksonville FL window repair is an opportunity to fall in love again with the potential a window sill brings.  Use the space wisely and create some excellent arrangements.