translucent glass wall. made by tiled glass blocks.
So many benefits can be realized when you install replacement windows in your Jacksonville FL home. What are some of the benefits of certain types of windows? How do glass block and vinyl windows compare? Glass block windows are a type that continues to garner a lot of popularity and attention. They have aesthetic appeal, security gains and energy efficiency. Our team at American Window Products have seen the popularity of glass block windows skyrocket. We wanted to shed some light on the many benefits of these types of windows to help you with the buying decision.
Energy Efficiency
When you think about energy efficient windows, the first thing that will usually come to mind is vinyl windows, double-paned glass. Glass block windows are being recognized more and more for their energy efficiency. These windows meet Energy Star efficiency guidelines. They are going to be airtight and may even surpass what you would normally get from more traditional windows.
It is all about energy efficiency when you are talking replacement windows in your Jacksonville FL home. When you can cut down on the energy bills you have monthly, it equates to more money in pocket and less spent on heating or cooling the home. Glass block windows help you realize that immediately!
Dramatic Curb Appeal
One of the biggest gains when talking about glass block windows is the aesthetic appeal. There is nothing like it when you are talking about using them for a bathroom window, for example. They offer a great upscale look. There are many different design patterns out there and tons of different colors. The glass block windows are going to be assembled before installation as well, so you will get that finished look that will draw a lot of positive attention.
Reasonable Price Point
The price point for glass block windows is also something that is often confused. People think that these windows cost a lot more than they do. The reason is because of their appearance. They look very fancy and rather upscale when compared to traditional windows. For this reason, the belief is that they can be quite costly. The fact of the matter is that glass block windows usually cost the same, or even less in some cases when compared to traditional vinyl windows. If you are someone shopping on a budget, you want to make sure you keep glass block windows under consideration.
There is a lot to like about glass block windows. We at American Window Products have seen the windows used in so many creative and surprising ways like for bathrooms, garages, and even doors for shower stalls. When used correctly, this type of window can shine. The fantastic natural light they allow in, energy efficiency gains and aesthetic appeal makes them one of the best in the market. When you reach out to us, think about glass block windows. They may be the replacement windows solution for your Jacksonville FL home!