bigstock-Window-Of-Farmhouse-416420.jpgIf you’re in the market for replacement windows, you have endless options to choose from! Smart homeowners know that windows aren’t just aesthetic appealing for a home, they’re vital to providing protection to your home and family. When your windows are functioning how they’re supposed to, they’ll be energy efficient, prevent moisture from coming inside and numerous other important features. Once you understand the benefits of customly designed and fitted windows, upgrading is a no-brainer.

We can guarantee there are a whole lot more choices when it comes to windows than you could ever imagine. The best way to explore your many options is by speaking with a professional. At American Window Products, we’ll work with you to create a window for you that meets any features you request or design you have in mind.

Bent or Bowed Glass

One of the options you have when choosing replacement windows is if you’re interested in bent / bowed glass. This design is unique and is often find in contemporary homes. Although, it can be incorporated into the living or dining room to make a statement. Our team will help you understand how this design works and why it might be in your best interest to take advantage of it.

Square, Rectangle, Circle

This is where your limitless options come in! When you think of windows, you likely think a basic rectangular window is your only option for a traditional home. We’ll show you models and pictures that’ll change your mind pretty quickly. Circular windows are gaining popularity, especially in beach towns like Jacksonville. But if that’s not your style, square and rectangular windows will never go out of style.

It might sound cliche, but the only limitation you have for your home improvement project is your imagination. As long as you can come up with fresh ideas (or surround yourself with creative experts), you’ll end up with a functional, pleasing design that’ll provide you benefits for years.

Glazing or Privacy Glass

Not only will you have to choose the shape of your windows, you have to choose what type of glass works best for your lifestyle. Certain spaces in your home give you the opportunity to get creative with the glass, including the shower and the window in front of the kitchen sink. Different types of glazes and design can provide an array of benefits.

The window design that’s right for you is often completely different from what someone else would choose, which is why American Window Products doesn’t just provide our clients with cookie-cutter options. If you have something in mind for your replacement windows that’s totally different than what you have now, our team can get it done efficiently and correctly.