There are many companies out there that claim they are going to help you with the replacement of your aging windows, placing energy efficient windows to outfit your home. What does it mean for a window to be energy efficient, though? What makes one window more energy efficient than another? It is important to figure out these differences early on so that you can have a firm grasp, an understanding of what having energy efficient windows is all about. Our team here can help you gain clarity around the benefits of vinyl windows for your Jacksonville FL home as the more you know, the better of an educated decision you will be able to make about the replacement project.

We all know about the big benefits of energy efficient windows. We understand that these windows allow your home to stay warmer and colder, depending on the time of the year that it is. When that air conditioning is cranking in the hot months of July and August, energy-efficient windows help keep that cool air inside, taking some of the pressure off of the system overall. They do a better job of blocking harmful UV rays, preventing drafts, moisture, among other things from breaking through. There are three essential characteristics to look for in energy efficiency vinyl windows for your Jacksonville FL home, and we will detail them below.


Quality Glass

You want to make sure that the windows that you are going to as part of your replacement project are made of high-quality glass. Have you ever heard of the term argon gas? If not, it is something that you want to read a bit more on. Argon gas is something that is utilized to help maximize the energy efficiency rating that the windows end up with. It increases what is known as the “R” value of the windows’ glass.  

The high-quality glass is imperative as that is what is going to be able to deter those harmful UV rays of the sun from breaking through. Intense heat and cold will also be better blocked, with the interior of your home more well-insulated as a result of the glass being that much superior to what you used to have.


Weather Stripping

Weather stripping is also a critical component and a characteristic that energy efficient windows should certainly have. The weather stripping is that first line that the windows have to insulate the interior of your home, block water from getting in, drafts from passing through, and so on. The weather stripping is developed in such a way that it is intended to go around all of the edges of the windows. When weather stripping is done right on new vinyl windows for your Jacksonville FL home, the results are going to be breathtaking regarding the added insulation they provide.



Have you ever heard about Low-E glass before?  Low-E is not even really a type of glass; it is a reflective coating that can be added to the glass inside of the window that can do wonders from an energy efficiency perspective. The Low-E coating is designed to reflect the sun back where it came from essentially. This keeps the heat outside of the house in those summer months where it belongs. With the ability to reflect the UV rays backward, it also protects furniture, flooring, and even your family and pets from the rays beating in and causing extensive damage.


Checking Out Your Energy Efficiency Label


Top Left Corner Information

You want to start with reading the label at the top left corner. What you are looking for here is a listing that says that the window has been certified by the National Fenestration Ratings Council. The label designation gives assurance that the manufacturer of the window meets performance standards by the group.  


Top Right Corner Information

The top right corner of the window is where you are going to get a bit more information. This is the area where to are going to be able to figure out who the manufacturer of the window is, as well as the model and style of the window. You are also going to be able to get information about the materials that were used in constructing the window.


The Important Information

The relevant energy efficiency rating information is going to be right in the middle of the label. The U-Factor is one of those areas that you want to focus in on. The U-Factor rating is going to give you an indication of the rate of heat loss from the windows. A score between 0.20 and 1.20 is what you are likely going to see. When you have a lower value, you are going to have a higher level of resistance to heat flow and increased insulation. The opposite of the U-Value is that of the R-Value. This is a number that you want to have on the higher end because it is going to help you figure out what the insulating value of the window is going to be. The solar heat gain coefficient is another number that you will want to read. This rating says how well the glass is going to block the rays of the sun from going through. A lower number is going to be better, with the range usually falling between zero and one.

Understanding how to read energy efficient labels  and knowing the important characteristics is essential. When you are looking to buy windows for your home, check out the label. Know what those numbers mean and be fully informed before making a decision. If you ever run into any confusion, we at American Windows are here to help guide you to exactly what you seek.